A. Plumptre, KBA

Proposing/Updating KBAs

KBA Proposal Process

The KBA identification process is highly inclusive and consultative. Anyone with appropriate data may propose a site. Consultation with stakeholders at the national level (both non-governmental and governmental organisations) is required during the proposal process. Any site proposal must undergo independent review. This is followed by the official site nomination with full documentation meeting the Documentation Standards for KBAs. Sites confirmed by the KBA Secretariat to qualify as KBAs then appear on this website.

Submission of proposals for KBAs to the World Database of Key Biodiversity Areas follows a systematic review process to ensure that the KBA criteria have been applied correctly and that the sites can be recognised as important for the global persistence of biodiversity. Regional Focal Points have been appointed to help KBA proposers develop proposals and then ensure they are reviewed independently. Key Biodiversity Areas Proposal Process: Guidance on Proposing, Reviewing, Nominating and Confirming sites. Version 1.2 has been published to help guide proposers through the development of proposals and the review process, highlighting where they can obtain help in making a proposal. An interim KBA Proposal Form (KBA Proposal and Nomination Form, v. 3.3.4) has also been developed. It calculates the criteria met automatically for a user, which should be used when proposing sites. Details on completing the form are given in Annex C of the KBA Proposal Process and documentation requirements for proposals described in Annex B.

A series of tools have been developed to help KBA proposers apply the criteria consistently and they can be accessed here.